The Punjab Bar Council is a deliberative assembly of lawyers in Punjab. It was established by the Parliament of Pakistan under the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act 1973 (Act XXXV of 1973) and began functioning on the 1st of January 1974. The Punjab Bar Council is the largest Provincial Bar Council in Pakistan, with more than 100,000 Licensed advocates and 127 Bar Associations working under its jurisdiction. The Punjab Bar Council consists of 75 members elected by advocates from different constituencies in Punjab. These members include the office Chairman of the Punjab Bar Council who also functions as the Returning Officer of the Elections of Punjab Bar Council. Further to this, Chairman Executive Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Council are elected for one year from amongst the 75 members. The Punjab Bar Council is committed to promoting high standards of legal services and professional conduct by exercising disciplinary jurisdiction over the bar and safeguarding the rights, interests and privileges of practicing lawyers. Additionally, the Council promotes and suggests law reforms, recognizes and derecognizes Bar associations and helps with the administration of justice.
- To issue license for lawyers and advocates: to hold examinations for purposes of admission: to prepare and maintain a roll of such advocates ( of the provinces as well as of each district; and to remove advocates for such rolls.
- To admit persons or advocates entitles to practice before the High Court and to prepare and maintain a role of such advocates.
- To entertain and determine cases of misconduct against advocates on its rolls and to order punishment in such cases.
- To safeguard the rights, privileges, and interests of advocates on its roll, including initiation of measures for fair and inexpensive dispensation of justice by the subordinate Courts and tribunals.
- To promote and suggest law reforms.
- To manage and administer the property and funds of the Provincial Bar Council and to incest any of its funds.
- To conduct the elections of its members.
- To prescribe conditions for the recognition and function, and to recognize and derecognize Bar Associations.
- To performs all other functions conferred on it by or under this Act (and to the company with directions given to it by the Pakistan Bar Council from time to time), and to do all other things necessary for discharging the aforesaid functions.