Admission/Enrolment as Advocate

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Punjab Bar Council

Admission/Enrolment as Advocate
(Section 26)


A person is eligible for enrolment as an advocate if he/she is:-

  1. A citizen of Pakistan or deriving nationality from the State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, or a national of any other country, who has resided in Pakistan for one year.
  2. Of 21 years of age.
  3. A Barrister or has obtained a Bachelor’s degree in any subject other than Law and a degree in Law from a university in or outside Pakistan, recognised by the Pakistan Bar Council.

Conditions for Eligibility

A person before being admitted as an advocate is required to have:-

  1. Undergone training, after Passing the LL.B (Part-III) Examination, for six months, in a Chamber of an advocate of not less than ten years standing at the Bar, under intimation to the Bar Council.
  2. Get through LAW GAT (and SEE LAW if applicable) examination after obtaining at least 50 % marks in at maximum 5 attempts.

Persons exempt from training and Viva Voce Examination (Rule 5.2B) 

A person is exempt from training & Viva Voce Examination if he:-

  1. has received an LL.M. or Bar-at-Law degree, or
  2. has held a judicial office at least for four years or a post, for the like period, the duties whereof entailed interpretation or drafting of laws, or
  3. after having been enrolled, outside Pakistan, practised as an advocate there at least for one year.

Admission/Enrolment as an Advocate of the High Court. (Section 27).


A person is qualified for admission as an advocate of the High Court, if he has:-

  1. practised as an advocate in the subordinate Courts in Pakistan for a period not less than two years, or
  2. practised outside Pakistan as an advocate before any High Court specified on this behalf by the Pakistan Bar Council, or
  3. for reasons of his legal training or experience, been exempted from two years practise in the subordinate Courts, by the Bar Council, with the previous approval of the High Court, and
  4. paid the enrolment fee. (for enrolment as an advocate, see application Form ‘A’ and Fee for enrolment as an advocate of High Court, see application Form for High Court enrolment).

Disqualification for admission/enrolment. (Section 26(2))

A person shall be disqualified for being admitted as an advocate if:-

  1. he was dismissed or removed from service of Govt: or Public Statutory Corporation or he has been convicted, on a charge involving moral turpitude unless a period of five years is elapsed from his dismissal or removal, or
  2. he has been declared a tout and such declaration has not been withdrawn.